What They Say

  • Priya has a lovely way with children and teens, and helped our family tremendously. Her therapeutic approach enabled our daughter to have some insight to why she was feeling the way she was. She gave her a tool kit of coping strategies which she still uses a year and a half on. I sometimes here her say, “What would Priya say?”
  • Priya made me go from an insecure, scared, panicked 18 year old to a confident person who is now striving at university. I will be forever grateful.
  • Elisabeth is very warm, caring and understands what our family is going through.  I highly recommend families seek her help when they are struggling to cope with a challenging situation.
  • Priya’s support of our daughter at a difficult time for our family made a huge improvement to her emotional wellbeing. She is still reaping the benefits now. I can’t recommend Priya highly enough.
  • Priya exudes the right amount of warmth and sensitivity needed to help children feel safe. My son was able to form a bond quickly that allowed him to discuss his worries.
  • Priya Vigneswaran was the first counsellor I felt at ease with. She was great and helped me tremendously. I would recommend her without hesitation and will certainly go back to her should I need any help in the future.
  • Dr Priya was great – involving the whole family. Friendly and empathetic, Dr Priya was still a composed professional throughout. She gave us great ideas to help, with good success. I would recommend her to anyone.
  • Priya is fantastic, very sensitive and understanding. It was a pleasure to work with her.

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