Our highly trained team can provide a range of specialist therapies to support your child and family
First Screening Call
We offer a free 10-15-minute screening call to discuss your concerns with Dr Priya Vigneswaran.
Initial Assessment
Information about further assessments can be found here.
Therapy with young children is playful. Parents are present for these sessions for support.
Therapy with older children and adolescents is more conversational based and includes learning relevant strategies to solve problems independently.
We also provide parenting support.
The length of therapy varies according to needs and the severity of the problem. This will be regularly reviewed with you.
All meetings and sessions are strictly confidential, within the boundaries of safeguarding.

Getting Started is Easy
Free 15 Min Chat
If you are unsure of the support we could offer we can arrange a free 10-15-minute call to discuss your situation.
Book Appointment
Once you are happy that we are right for you we will book you in for your initial assessment.
First Session
Find out what to expect when you start your sessions with us.